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Rahu Homam


We perform Rahu Graha Homam of Lord Rahu in a temple. Homam starts with Swansti mantra and Ganapati puja. Then Navagraha Mandapa aaradhana & Rahu yantra puja. Then after Deeksha dharana, Rutvik Varanam will done.

According to the time, Rahu Homam will starts with 1/3/5 priests and can complete one day/multiple days. Priests will chant Rahu Graha moola mantra 18000 times and they leave the Japa arghyam on the Rahu Yantra. Then Dasamsa Tarpanam will complete by pouring Milk+Tila+Water on the Yantra by resiting Mantras for the divine grace of Rahu Graha. At the last day of Homam, Rahu Graha Havan will be done. Rahu Gayathri mantra & Rahu graha moola mantras will chant 108 times of Lord Rahu while doing the Homam with Havissu (Rice mixed with Ghee & Pepper) and Navadhanya after the mantra along with Swaha. Finally Poornahuti will done by saying thanks and giving beloved things to Agni Deva. Rahu Graha dosha nivaranardham Minumula (Mug bean) dhaanya Daanam will be done.

Here Adi devata, pratyadi devata of Raahu are pleased and then tarpanam is done in homam. Rahu Homam and rahu japam will be performed in this homam.

Purpose & Advantage:

  • To win over enemies/adversaries
  • To protect from any negative eventuality/evil effects
  • For overall materialistic and spiritual development
  • To control wavering of mind
  • To minimize the malefic effect of afflicted rahu

No. of Priests: 10

Duration: 5 hrs

Days: 1


  1. To perform “Rahu Homam”, Please book the service 5 days before.
  2. For all Puja, Homam, Japam and Kalyanam mention your Name, Gotram, Nakshatram and the ‘Problem’ that you want to overcome by performing this puja.
  3. For Further details, please contact indiaethnix at Email: [email protected] & Phone: 215 853 3280

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Eka varam ( 1 time), Ekaa Dasa ( 11 times)


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